Support » Everything else WordPress » Password Protect

  • Resolved razorsharp


    I need to lock a website where a user is generated to gain access to the site (not the Admin area) and have the ability to change their password if needed, can this be done easlity – there will be 60 users that need their own username and password… they are then directed to the main page.

    thanks 🙂

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Yes this is possible.

    How you do it depends on what you mean ‘usewr is generated’.

    By default all WP users can change theor own password.

    By default all new users have a role, and the lowest role is subsciber and all they can do is adjust theor profile / passord.

    By default all user when they login go to teh admin page, but that can be cahnged aby a couple of lines of code ( or possibly plugins will do it – depended on the detail of what you need )

    Thread Starter razorsharp


    Thanks Alan,

    We would create the user using their email address and then automate the password.

    I’d need to make sure that the site is only accessible if you have a username and a password – as there will be personal information collected (name DOB etc).. If I can add some code to take the user straight to the home page, that would be preferable.


    So if you are OK with some bits of code

    This is the basics – I havent tested it though ( and cant provide more )

    Thread Starter razorsharp


    Thanks Alan – appreciated

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