Support » Everything else WordPress » Verify my domain on Facebook

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  • Hello kumiduck10,

    To copy the meta tag into the HTML source of your WordPress site’s homepage, follow these steps:

    1. Log in to your WordPress site.
    2. From the dashboard, go to Appearance and then select Theme Editor.
    3. On the right-hand side, find the header.php file and click on it.
    4. Scroll down until you find the tag.
    5. Paste the meta tag you received from Facebook just before the tag.
    6. Click on Update File to save changes.
    7. Return to your Facebook Business Manager and click Verify Domain.
    8. Facebook will now check for the meta tag on your homepage. Once it is verified, you will receive a confirmation message from Facebook.

    That’s it! You have successfully verified your domain on Facebook using the meta tag.

    Here is a link that you might also find helpful:

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