Support » WordPress Mobile App » Cannot connect to site with mobile WP app – 403 error/XMLRPC endpoint

  • alhitstheroad


    hello – I am using the same topic title as a previous poster.

    I HAVE spoken with GoDaddy about the issue, they say that the issue is a WordPress problem and that everything on their side of my website ( is fine. “No red flags”.

    If, however, I can go back with them with a specific issue to look at other than the error I received, I may be able to get this solved. This is the error: “Couldn’t connect. We received a 403 error when trying to access your site’s XMLRPC endpoint. The app needs that in order to communicate with your site. Contact your host to solve this problem”

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  • I see the trouble. When our app tries to connect to your site this is what it gets back:

    (Image link: )

    It is quite odd that GoDaddy is saying that your XML-RPC file isn’t being blocked by them, as when we test right now this is the result. I recommend you share this screenshot with them to best guide them towards resolving the issue.

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