Support » Installing WordPress » Should I Uninstall WP and Reinstall?

  • Resolved troydphotography


    Be patient, I’m brand new to WordPress. I’m sure I’m not the only one overwhelmed by everything to learn.

    Here’s my question:
    Is it best for me to delete EVERYTHING and start fresh once I finally get the hang of it and find a theme I like? I’ve installed and uninstalled so many plugins and themes, dozens by now.

    I just don’t know how efficient the installers and uninstallers are. If it’s anything like Windows, it’s not so good. Any advice? Am I overthinking this?

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  • Moderator James Huff


    Volunteer Moderator

    No need to uninstall everything and start over. 🙂

    If you want to clean things up though, first make a backup (it’s a good idea to keep regular backups anyway) and then run

    Thread Starter troydphotography


    Thanks, James!! I just have one followup question. When I do the backup the way you recommend, does it store in on the same server or am I downloading and holding it on my PC??

    Moderator James Huff


    Volunteer Moderator

    There are a few methods and plugins mentioned in that article. Some download to your computer, some store on the server, and some store on a third-party cloud.

    The one detailed in specific steps there will download to your computer, which would be good for this time and is just fine every time for a lot of folks, but you might want to branch out to a plugin-powered, automated, and cloud-hosted solution as your site grows.

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